Thursday, 23 December 2021

Future plans - Painting 2022

I have two paintings 'on the go'. One is a watercolour of Beach-huts at Gun Hill.

I started it last week, laying down the sky, sea, and sand. Despite the fact that I've used masking fluid on the huts and walkway, I haven't had the courage to continue working on it.

Today, I found an online watercolour class at 75% off normal price. I've signed up and hope it will provide the necessary motivation to continue the piece.

The second is The Beachcomber. I've laid the ground and am just about to start the marking out, using  an enlarged, black and white print of the original photo. All I need to mark is the horizon, the shore line, and the silhouette.

I've managed to resist the temptation to alter Alf's portrait. Instead, I have three more planned; two on A4 canvas, one on A3. I learned a lot from completing the first portrait and am certain I will improve over the series of 3. I plan to use the pop-art-type style I used on the Cat and Alf's portrait. 

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 Portrait, acrylic on paper. Best friends, Alfie and Kipp.  Finished January 2025.